BLESSED WITH SWITCH at Centre Pompidou, 2024
The French world premier of Blessed with Switch will be performed at Centre Pompidou | le 19 octobre à 17h (5pm) as part of Liv®e Live.Post-performance Future.Method/e, a celebration and launch of Marie de Brugerolle’s newly released and groundbreaking book Post Performance Future Method/e
The program will also feature artists Cally Spooner and Omar Castillo Alfaro, among other events.
In this work, Jasmine Orpilla and Asher Hartman investigate the use of language as. it hacks at and tears apart the feminine internal imaginary. Click here to play a short clip.
Talking with rafa esparza with Rossen Ventislavov
at the start of a series of conversations at the Performance Art Museum in Los Angeles
Brian Getnick, Arne Gjelten, and Tim Reid continue their lengthy rehearsal process responding to Cassavetes’ famous film Husbands, thinking about desire, transgression and violence, permeability of bodies, privilege, rank, and loss. We presented an exploration of this work with LA Freewaves in 2022.
Gawdafful’s six new films and live performance at The Lab, San Francisco
During the pandemic, we made six short films inspired by psychiatric films of the 1960s to explore the nuanced and shifting relationships we have to our own suppressed violence. We then ate the corpse of our mega-play, The Dope Elf, in a live performance, “Organized Around The Erotics of Doing You In,” performed at The Lab for three nights in 2021.
Gawdafful is thrilled to present six new films and a live production supported through the generosity of The Lab in San Francisco. Click here and here to find out more. Pictured above are Jacqueline Wright as The Dope Elf and Adrian Cruz as Alan. Photography by Ian Byers-Gamber.
American Theater features Gawdafful National Theater
Click here to read Janet Sarbanes remarkable pice
CLICK HERE for more information about our first published book of plays!
Chiron Armand and Asher Hartman talk theater and shamanic practice
Neha Choksi’s in-depth article on Gawdafful in
Click here to read more. Photo by Ian Byers-Gamber.